Programs - Your Donations at Work
MVEF funds core programs in art, music, science, and athletics, as well as middle school extended day electives.
Program spending in 2017-2018 budget
Art by CSMA: MVEF pays for the art teachers who teach the weekly art classes in our elementary schools. The teachers are trained by and work for the CSMA (Community School of Music and Arts). Lessons follow the curriculum outlined in the California Visual and Performing Arts Standards, with increasingly sophisticated materials and cultural context presented in each successive grade. In 5th grade kids choose either music or art, and the number of hours in their chosen discipline increases.
Music by CSMA: MVEF pays for the music teachers who teach the weekly music classes in our elementary schools. The teachers are trained by and work for the CSMA (Community School of Music and Arts). As with art, lessons follow the curriculum from the California Visual and Performing Arts Standards. Grades K-3 focus primarily on singing and rhythm. In 4th grade children play the recorder. In 5th grade students can choose an instrument, including strings and brass, or art.
Science: MVEF brings hands-on science into the schools:
Living Classrooom brings garden-based lessons several times each year. Lessons build from one year to the next on topics like photosynthesis, life cycles, ecology and relevance to students’ lives. Visit a school and look for planters of vegetables planted by children!
FOSS kits in elementary schools: MVEF pays to replenish consumable components of FOSS kits, which provide lesson plans and supplies for hands-on science.
Middle school supplies: MVEF funds some supplies for middle school science labs.
Environmental Education: Field trips led by Environmental Volunteers for elementary school students.
After-school electives and athletics:
Electives: MVEF sponsors middle school extra-curricular activities and extended-day electives like robotics club, the TV station, and morning choir/music.
Athletics: MVEF supports 48 coaches to train and inspire over 900 middle school athletes on 18 teams; 44 referees and umpires for basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, and wrestling home games; and 80 bus trips for 18 sports teams for away games.
Leadership: MVEF donations provide leadership workshops for 4th and 5th graders led by Jim Wiltens.