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¿Por Qué MVEF?


The Mountain View Educational Foundation funds programs essential to a well-rounded and competitive education but not covered by the limited budget provided by federal and state funding. Most of the art, music, science, and athletic programs in the Mountain View Whisman School District (MVWSD) are locally funded by the Measure B parcel tax and the MVEF, with some PTAs funding additional site-specific programs at each school.

MVEF’s annual grant to the district ensures a well-rounded learning experience for all TK-8 students at the ten Mountain View Whisman School District schools: Bubb, Landels, Huff, Mistral, Castro, Monta Loma, Stevenson, Theuerkauf, Crittenden Middle School, and Graham Middle School. MVEF grants funds directly to the district, where they can be used in concert with existing programs and with other local funds such as Measure B. In fact, the MVEF and the Measure B parcel tax fund the vast majority of art, music, science, and physical education in the district.

"Our District community and parents want our children to be well-rounded citizens who understand how they can contribute to all facets of society. We are so fortunate to have a foundation like MVEF that is committed to helping us realize this dream. MVEF is the vanguard that ensures that each student receives a balanced and well-rounded education."


- Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent, Mountain View Whisman School District

Funding for art, music, science, and athletics as listed in the MVWSD budget for 2017-2018.


MVEF differs from PTAs: MVEF funds programs across the school district for every school. PTAs/PTOs, in contrast, support only their single school site. By collaborating closely with the MVWSD, MVEF funds programs which are smoothly integrated into the curriculum on a daily, weekly, or other recurring basis. PTAs, on the other hand, work with the principal to identify and support school-specific projects such as community-building events, one-time activities, and supplies. Please consider giving generously to both MVEF and to your home school's PTA!

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